Content marketing can be said to be the creation of online materials known as content to turn persons from average internet users to loyal customers. Content marketing is very necessary in every business now. This is because there is no business without an idea and for every business there is content. For every content there is an audience persona. A content marketer is one who has the skills of content marketing. Content marketing involves more than one skill. From content writing, to editing, designs, video creation, ebook creation, audio creation and what have you. Creating NFTs too is part of web 3.0 content creation.

What is content?
“In marketing, what people pay for is CONTENT. What they receive is the product.“
– Harrison Prince.
Content is what distinguishes a barber from another barber. Content makes people get the chance to buy your product. You can say contents are the features of your product that can’t be touched but can be seen, heard and felt. Another thing you should know is that anything you post or publish on the internet has been converted from products to contents. That is why people will always choose a product over the others. This is not because the product is great but because the content says the product is great!
My shoe story
So many years back, I went to buy shoes. And as i got to the market, a particular store cut my eyes and i decided to go check it out. Mind you everyone was calling me including the one in the store that caught my eyes. The way he called me made me want to check the shoes out. I got to this store and his shoes were fine but none was my size.
Guess what? This shoe dealer persuaded me to buy it by making me believe that once I put my legs into these shoes and wear them for a few minutes, they would fit perfectly. Wow! Great. I bought these shoes and until the day I stopped wearing them, they never fitted me. But then I didn’t see this as a problem. I held onto this man’s words that in my head all I thought was these shoes fit me well.
When I became an advanced content marketer, I realized that what I paid for that day were the words of the man and what I collected were the pairs of shoes. This is the simplest way to understand what content is. You can have a great product and bad content! Well your product will not sell. Content sells products, products do not sell contents.
What are the types of contents?
Types of contents are: articles, books/ebooks, videos, podcasts, infographics, graphics, etc. There is an unending list of content types. The content type to use depends on the digital marketing platform. The type of content you use on your website is different from the ones you use on social media.

If you are seeking better ways to sell your product or the ones of the business you manage, you need to learn content marketing. In a world where digital marketing has overshadowed traditional marketing, it is not an option.
If you want to build brand trust, sales, impact and influence then learn content marketing. The content marketer is the focal point for every business breakthrough.
Where can I work as a content marketer?
Everywhere but the grave. Yes! Every business needs a content marketer. Whether that business is a profit oriented organization or not. If you are dealing with people then you need a content marketer. Governments pay a whole lot of money on marketing content. What you do not know is that bad content makes people think so less about your products. This type of marketing is a remote job. This means you can work from anywhere so that you have enough time to spend with your loved ones.
What are the 7 workflows of content marketing?
Before a product is converted to valuable content that will sell, it goes through seven stages: content audit, research, strategy, writing, editing, design and distribution.
Is content marketing digital marketing?
No. It is only one type out of six digital marketing types. The others are: affiliate marketing, native marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing and social media marketing.

What are the tools for content marketing?
There are over 101 tools for effective marketing of contents. These tools depend on the stage or the workflow of content marketing. Beginning from google docs, to sheets,, ubersuggest, long tail pro, canva, pexels, hubspot, hootsuite, etc. This list keeps going on and on.
One tool every content marketer has is the content calendar. That is an effective tool that helps the content marketer plan his strategy for marketing. The content calendar converts the overwhelming marketing task to very simple collections of broken down steps.
If you want to know how to create winning content, click here. Here’s the content marketing course that teaches you everything!
If you have further questions as to what content marketing is or any other aspects of marketing, please leave a comment and I will get back to you ASAP!
Content marketing can be said to be the creation of online materials known as content to turn persons from average internet users to loyal customers.